Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2

This morning we read some more of Muggie Maggie, a book about a 3rd grade girl who refuses to learn cursive. We did flashcards of simple addition and subtraction facts with the whole class to get an idea of where they stand with those. It was a little rough... We also gave a math assessment since we don't have the money to fund the 3rd grade pretest this year.

I taught more cursive today - the students were eager to learn and once again were asking when they'd learn more again. I also taught a social studies lesson on Google Earth. The kids loved getting to "fly" to their home addresses. We talked about the appearances of their community, then compared it to a city in Kenya. We looked at information about children in Kenya and looked at photos of the city and hospital in Kenya. The students saw that it was drastically different from ours that we have here in America.

I think I might be getting used to being tired. I did decide I need to make coffee in the morning for sure, and going to be at 10:00 helps a lot.

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